At the end of her first day
Waiting for the bus
Still waiting
Waiting for the bus
Still waiting
An update on the valium front: We started giving her 0.3mg of valium once a day before bed. The first week she seemed to be more irritable and sleepy and stuff, but then that sort of went away, but there was no noticeable difference in her muscle tone. So we upped the dosage to 0.3mg twice a day (before nap and before bed), and now it does seem to be making a difference. It's a lot easier to put her braces on even, because her ankles are a lot more flexible. Since she started taking it she's also made some exciting progress with the standing and walking. She will now attempt to take a step or two before she falls over when she balances independently, and on top of that she can also stand independently for longer than before - sometimes for almost 10 seconds! So that's exciting, and I don't know how much of that has to do with the valium, if anything, but as I said, the valium is definitely making her muscles more relaxed, which is great. We see Dr Brown again next week so we;ll talk to him about the dosage and how long she might be taking it, etc, because we still only want to give it to her for as short a time as possible.
Oh she is such a cutie! Can't believe she is a preschooler! Glad to hear she is enjoying it already.
I know I am going to "freak out" when Violet has to go!
My son Tyler has hydrocephalus. I was browsing for others doing the same thing as we are. What a darling little girl you have and I LOVE that she is using her walker. We have one that he won't use...
I can't wait to keep following.
Nancy Brown
Mom to Tylre
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